Problem-Solving & the Learning Process

Problem-solving is an important component of the learning experience. Problem-solving can take many forms in the learning experience, such as roleplaying, application, and content assessments. By including problem-solving in the learning experience, learners can better grasp and retain the information they are learning while building upon their problem-solving skills.

An article I found includes beneficial information supporting the need for problem-solving in learning. The article is titled “The Problem-Solving Method in Education.”

This article discusses the definition and objective of problem-solving. It continues with helpful tips for effectively using problem-solving in learning and discusses the procedural steps in detail. The article then dives into the limitations and merits of problem-solving. This call-out is critical as not all pieces of training may require problem-solving, and it is essential to be aware of its limitations in the event additional training support is needed.

What I particularly liked about this article is the tips for effectively using problem-solving in learning. The first tip is to ask questions and make suggestions. I like this tip because rather than directly telling the learner what they need to know, we can ask questions to help them identify what they need to learn themselves. Another tip that stood out to me is to help students understand the problem. This tip is important because if learners do not understand the problem, they will not be able to solve it, which will hinder the learning experience.

Another interesting article that includes problem-solving in the learning experience is “Problem-Based Learning (PBL).”

This article discusses how PBL is used to promote learning of concepts and principles as opposed to direct presentation of facts and concepts. I liked this article because it says that PBL can promote the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. In my field of work, our trainings aim to build upon these skills so our customer-facing employees can effectively problem-solve and communicate with customers while enhancing the customer experience.

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